Sunday, March 18, 2012

Morning Glory Muffins

When Monday arrives, Sam and I each hit the ground running. Between his teaching schedule and full time grad school program and my 40+ hour work week, volunteer hours spent with Share Our Strength, and blog research and writing – we don't always have time for sit down meals (or even stand-up meals, for that matter).

I usually take time over the weekend to cook something healthy (a baked chicken, a pan of roasted vegetables, etc.) that will last for the next week during our busy mid-week schedules. This weekend I re-visited an old tried-and-true recipe that I hadn't used in a while, Morning Glory Muffins from Cooking Light. These muffins are packed with yummy goodies like dried pineapple and dates, yogurt and flax seeds, and are guaranteed to get your week started with a kick!

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