Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Light + Fruity White Sangria

I don't know about you, but I always start my weekends with a To Do list.

You know, for things like: organizing the closet, cleaning the inside of the refrigerator, writing overdue thank-you cards, and painting my nails. And about 50 other things.

I start out with good intentions, I really do. But then... I get distracted.

This weekend was no exception. It was sweltering in Portland. We were hosting some friends for dinner, and I quickly realized that a batch of cold cocktails was in order. I put together a large pitcher of white sangria, and let me tell you: it did NOT disappoint. Unlike some sangria recipes, this one doesn't call for sugar or sweetener, so it's fruity, crispy and very refreshing.

The best thing about recipes like this one is that you can totally improvise depending on what's in season – or in your fridge. I added basil, peaches, strawberries, blueberries and orange watermelon from the Portland Farmer's Market.

I love summer.


  1. I can't tell you how many times I've made sangria this summer with the intent on posting my recipe. The problem is that I always drank it; all that was left was an empty glass! Love the fruit you used in yours - YUM!!

    1. HA – story of my life, Kristy. I have the same problem with so many recipes that come out of my kitchen. Glad to know I'm not the only one ;) Still, I hope you'll share your favorite sangria recipe soon. Would love to see (or... try) it. XO

  2. Sounds delicious! I loved all the farmers markets when we were in Portland!

    1. Thanks JJ! Hope your cross-country trip is going well :)
