Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting

Today you're in for a treat.

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting

A pumpkin treat, to be exact.

In college, I worked part-time at my school's admissions office. You know those college tour guides who give group tours while walking backwards? Yea. That was me. Anyway, at one of our work parties, a staff member brought these treats to share with our team. I begged her for months for the recipe, and finally, she caved.

I've been making this recipe every Fall, ever since.

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting

I'm always asked to bring this dish to our friends' annual pumpkin carving party and other miscellaneous Fall get-togethers. Although it's actually more cake-like, these Pumpkin Bars are aways – ALWAYS – a crowd pleaser. 

There's something about pumpkin that gets people giddy. I think it has something to do with sweater weather and the looming excitement of the holidays ahead. 

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting
In truth, I didn't love pumpkin-anything (NOT even Pumpkin Spice Lattes) while I lived in Hawaii. But after moving to the mainland and experiencing Summer turn to Fall, I've grown to appreciate and really love pumpkin-everything. There's just something festive about it as the temperature drops, the days shorten and the leaves begin to fall.

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting

I've traditionally held this recipe top secret, but I figured there would be no use in not passing along such a great Fall treat. Like the blueberry coffee cake recipe that I recently posted, I promise this will become a well-used recipe in your collection.

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting

4 eggs
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups pumpkin
3/4 cup butter
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Mix together, pour into 11x15 pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes at 325.

3 oz softened cream cheese
6 tbsp softened butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp milk
3 cups powdered sugar

Beat together in chilled bowl. Frost when cool.

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