Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tropical Chinese Chicken Salad

Tropical Chinese Chicken Salad
We've had an unusually warm Spring in Oregon, and I can't bring myself spend the evenings inside cooking dinner. That means we've been eating lots of salad and no bake meals. Over the weekend I pre-cooked a bunch of boneless, skinless chicken breasts to use throughout the week. I've used the chicken in a variety of ways, including Chicken Salad in an Avocado and most recently, Chinese Chicken Salad with homemade asian vinaigrette. With macadamia nuts, of course. Because by now you know that I can't avoid bringing tropical to the table.

Tropical Chinese Chicken Salad
Tropical Chinese Chicken Salad

This chinese chicken salad is the perfect recipe because it works as either a side salad or an entree. And maybe I'm just a texture person, but I can't get enough of all the crunch: the fresh veggies, crispy romaine lettuce, salty mac nuts and chow mein noodles mixed in. It's totally a flavor sensation!

Tropical Chinese Chicken Salad
Tropical Chinese Chicken Salad

Tropical Chinese Chicken Salad

Serves 2-4

Salad ingredients:
2 bunches romaine lettuce, chopped
1 cooked chicken breast, shredded
1 carrot, cut into matchsticks
1 celery, cut into matchsticks
¼ cup macadamia nuts, coarsely chopped
1 T cilantro
2 scallions, diced
2T toasted sesame seeds
1/4 cup chow mein noodles + extra for garnish

Asian Vinaigrette Ingredients:
1 1/2 T Rice vinegar
1 ½ T Shoyu
1 ½ T honey
1 T sesame oil
½ tsp minced Garlic
1 tsp Toasted sesame seeds

Cut lettuce into bite size pieces. Add to bowl along with chicken, carrot, celery, macadamia nuts, scallions and cilantro. Make salad dressing by whisking all ingredients together. Toss into salad, and sprinkle wand fried chow mein. Serve immediately. 

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