Friday, September 28, 2012

Fresh Melon Margaritas

I believe in signs.

Melon Margarita

I know, I'm kinda weird like that.

So when I accidentally discovered Margarita Melons at the farmers' market a few weeks back, hidden in a row of multi-colored watermelons, I took it as a sign. Like, the end-of-summer gods were smiling down on me.

Melon Margarita

But wait! The story gets better. The farmer was offering a two-for-one deal on all his melons. So I came home with a Tangerine Melon (a sweet, orange watermelon), and a Margarita Melon.

It was clearly meant to be.

Melon Margarita

Previous to this particular market trip, Sam and I had already declared this the summer o' watermelons, as we've literally spent the last month eating pounds and pounds of the juicy fruit. We just couldn't get enough of it.

However, what we hadn't been doing was drinking watermelons. And really, what else would you expect from something with "margarita" in its name? It goes without saying that I decided to make Tangerine Watermelon + Margarita Melon margaritas.

If you're like me and had never heard of a Margarita Melon, let me give you a quick rundown on what I discovered. It's NOT a watermelon; but it's definitely in the honeydew family. Only smaller and sweeter.

And guess what? It made my new frothy, summery, melon concoction really good! So I just had to share it.

Melon Margarita

It may technically be the start of Fall, but these margaritas taste like summer in a glass.


Melon Margaritas

recipe for 2 servings

4 cups assorted and de-seeded melons

juice of 2 limes

2 shots of tequila*

Blend in food processor or blender and enjoy!

* or more if you're feeling feisty.