Monday, September 17, 2012

The Best Blueberry Coffee Cake

A few years back, I found a killer blueberry coffee cake recipe in Cooking Light. I've made it every summer since. I've turned the batter into cupcakes, square loaves and everything in between.


The recipe is so well-worn that I keep it in a plastic sleeve to protect it from the inevitable cooking messes that cover most of my cookbooks and magazine tear-outs. Don't judge me.

Soon, you'll be keeping this recipe in a safe place, too. And since blueberry season is on its way out (booo...), I recommend you start soon.

Like, today.

Just sayin'.

As you can see, this isn't your typical crumbly-Starbucks-style breakfast cake. This recipe is moist, light and spongey. It feels almost sinful to eat something so delicious for breakfast...

But don't just take my word for it. Stop reading and start baking.


  1. Looks so good! I still use some Cooking Light recipes from years ago, too. I don't read it anymore but they're always tried and true.

    1. Same here – I no longer subscribe but have a couple of go-to recipes that I've been making for years. And if it was published in Cooking Light, it's clearly healthy - right? :)
