Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Boke Bowl Supper Club

I love traditions. You know, like Friday movie nights and Sunday morning pancakes. 

I also love making traditions with new friends.

A few months ago, Sam and I met a group of my colleagues and their spouses for dinner at Boke Bowl – one of Portland’s top ramen restaurants. We had such a blast that we rescheduled another group dinner, at the same spot, the very next month. And then… well, you get the idea.

In addition to the normal menu – ramen, steamed buns, and other deliciousness – Boke Bowl serves a special menu option at dinner: Korean Friend Chicken. A mere $30 buys you ½ a chicken and a bunch of fixins that easily feeds 2-3 people. Sides include pickles, steamed buns, a pack of seasoned Korean seaweed and green onion ginger rice. Oh yea, and secret sauce: ODS (Orange Dot Sauce), made of pickled mustard seeds in an aioli base.


The dinner is always delicious. And the company? That’s not too shabby either.

If you check it out, I highly recommend ordering the roasted vegetable salad. It’s not that ordering more food is logical considering everything I explained above, but honestly, it’s possibly the best thing on the menu. Warm brussel sprouts, cauliflower, citrus, tofu, croutons in a thai vinaigrette… wowza. 

So, what are your supper club traditions?


  1. Oh, that all looks so good! I really need to get there sometime soon. It's been on the list for awhile! :)

  2. Thanks Michelle! It's pretty amazing – I highly recommend it!
