Thursday, July 19, 2012

Refrigerator Pickles

Guess what? I have some exciting news.

A few weeks back, I was offered a job as Social Marketing Manager at a local startup here in Portland. It's an opportunity I just couldn't pass down. I accepted the position and gave two week’s notice at the agency I'd been working at for the past few years. Check out my send-off.... clearly my colleagues know me well.

I'm taking a few days off before starting the new job so I can tackle my To Do list. From cleaning the house to writing blog posts, I'm really looking forward to checking some items off the list (literally. I love checkboxes.) before starting this new and super exciting chapter in my life.

Today was my first day off. Despite all the chores and errands spelled out on my To Do list, I decided to make pickles and play with babies.

No, really.

I spent the day canning pickles (using this recipe) with a good girlfriend and her adorable 5-month old. And what fun we had. 

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.


  1. Oh my gosh! What a great idea to make the cute gift tag for the jar of pickles.
