Wednesday, August 29, 2012

2012 International Food Blogger Conference

IFBC 2012

Last weekend I attended the International Food Blogger Conference. The event was held in Portland this year, so I had no excuse not to attend. Still, I’m soooo glad I did. If you follow me on Twitter, you got a glimpse of the excitement, but here are a few of my favorite highlights:

1. Baryhte Specialty Foods Party

Barhyte Specialty Foods
I was honored to be invited to a pre-conference event at the home of “Saucy Mama,” the founder of Baryte Specialty FoodBarhyte Specialty Food is a small family-run company in Oregon that makes gourmet sauces, marinades, mustards and more.

Barhyte Specialty Foods party
{Photos courtesy of Barhyte Specialty Foods} 

The Barhyte team transported us via fancy party bus to the home of Saucy Mama. She and the Barhyte team were incredibly generous hosts, and great cooks to boot! From cheese trays, BBQ beef sliders, poached salmon, hot wing chicken tarts, cracked pepper shrimp and more, Saucy Mama whipped up an assortment of mouth-watering food, using her drool-worthy sauces of course. I’m waiting eagerly for the recipes (especially the hot wing tarts, *hint hint*!).

Barhyte Specialty Foods party
{Photos courtesy of Barhyte Specialty Foods}

They were also kind enough to share some of their products with me. I'm very excited to try them each out. Mmm.

Barhyte Specialty Foods

2. Bob’s Red Mill Tour

Bobs Red Mill

I’m sure most of you have heard of, or use, Bob’s Red Mill products. Bob’s Red Mill is a manufacturer specializing in unique whole grains, stone ground flours, cereals, baking mixes and more.

Bob's Red Mill

Although Bob’s Red Mill is a Portland-area business, I’d actually never made it to the facility until I was invited during IFBC. I eagerly took the chance, and I’m so glad I did. Bob himself ­– now 84 years young and still working full time – greeted us with a musical serenade and gave us the tour personally.

Bobs Red Mill

Bobs Red Mill is everything I thought it would be and more. I use a few of their products (we’re big fans of their oatmeal) and can say that they really are the highest quality. They are also *very* serious about their gluten-free facility and products, for those of you who have to worry about this sort of thing.

On a less serious note, please feel free to make fun of me and my new pal Stef, from Cupcake Project. We are definitely wearing hair nets in this picture. Cuuuute.

Bobs Red Mill Tour

Bob’s crew was also incredibly generous, and gave us several items to take home and try for ourselves.

Bobs Red Mill products

3. Generous Sponsors

Another highlight of the event was the amazing sponsor list. Brands including Moonstruck Chocolate, Rogue Beer, Kettle Chips, OXO, Organic Valley, Ninja Kitchen, and MANY more were incredibly generous with samples and tastings. I had heard about IFBC’s “swag bags” – but the sponsors went above and beyond. It was so amazing to know that these companies value what the food blogger community does enough to support us in this way. So, thank you sponsors!

IFBC 2012 Swag Bag!

4. Rockstar Speakers

The speakers that participated were more than just experts in the food blogging community. They became teachers and friends. I'm very thankful for each of their time in and out of the sessions. So, here's my quick shout-out to them as well.

5. Bloggers

IFBC 2012 MailChimp after partyFinally, I want to say a note about my fellow attendees. This was my first food bloggers conference, and I being totally honest when I say that I didn’t have high expectations. I wrongfully assumed that the other attendees might be competitive and unfriendly – but I couldn't have been more wrong. I met so many incredible bloggers from all over the word, writing about food in truly unique and creative capacities. These bloggers are now my friends and inspiration.

Here are links to a few of them. I hope you’ll check them out.

Since I had such a positive experience, I'm definitely planning on attending the 2013 IFBC conference in Seattle. Who's with me?!


  1. I'm over the moon to be included in your list. I adore you to no end and am thrilled to have made a fabulous new friend!!

  2. Awww, thank you Kristy. The feeling is very mutual. It was so wonderful meeting you!

  3. SO nice to meet you!! Can't wait for next year already! :)

    1. Thanks Cassie! See you next year for more good times! :)

  4. I am totally sold on the food blogger community. Like you I didn't know exactly what to expect, but was amazed how gracious, fun, and generous everyone was. So many cool peeps, too bad I didn't get a chance to meet you. I think we need a Portland food blogger meet up to keep it going. So good of you to link to those blogs - generosity right there. Cheers!


    1. Hi Ryan, thanks for your comment. I'm also sorry that we didn't get a chance to meet. How did that happen? I am 100% behind organizing a Portland-area food bloggers event.... such a great idea. Should we take the reigns? :)

  5. I'm so glad you had a great time! It was wonderful meeting you and I look forward to seeing you next year in Seattle! Cheers :)

    1. It was so great to meet you too, Sheri. See you in Seattle for another weekend of fun!

  6. Nice post! And SOOO sweet of you to include me on your list, especially wonderful to be amongst such great company. Super jealous that you get to live is such a cool part of the world. It was a real pleasure meeting you- For sure Seattle '13- if not sooner!!

    1. Gail, you were one of the first bloggers I met at IFBC – and I so appreciated learning about your successful career in food + food blogging. It was a pleasure to meet you, and look forward to seeing you again!

  7. Loved meeting you at the event-looking forward to next year! (and THANK YOU for including Kindred Kitchen in your fab list :)). more the idea of Portland-area food bloggers events/meetups!)

    1. Hi Nancy, thanks for checking out my post. Of COURSE I included you in my blogger friend list :) It was so wonderful meeting you, and I expect to see you sooner than IFBC 2013 based on our proximity. Want to join the PDX meet up team?!

  8. Hi Marisa, So great to meet you! Thanks for the shout-out! I appreciate it. Great post and photos too.

    Ahhh if only IFBC 2013 would hurry about and get here!

    1. Hi Frieda – so great to meet you. See you in Seattle! :)

  9. Marisa, you are just too adorable and sweet for words! It was so lovely to meet you - can't wait to see you next year at IFBC 2013!

  10. It was SOOOOO lovely meeting you :) And thanks for the visit around Portland!

    1. Awww, thanks Claire! It was a pleasure helping out. Hope to see you soon... maybe IFBC 2013? :)

  11. What a great round-up, Marisa! Loved meeting you and can't wait for next year!

    1. Thanks Jenni! It was wonderful to meet you! Look forward to seeing you next year.

  12. I had such a blast too, and sorry we didn't get a chance to meet! But I live in town too. Would love to connect. I'm going to IFBC Seattle 2013 too! Yippee!

    1. Hi Brandie – how did we miss each other?! We definitely need to get all of the local bloggers together. Hope to meet you soon, and thanks for stopping by my blog!
