Thursday, September 6, 2012

Quick n' Easy Pulled Teriyaki Chicken, 2 ways

I like to eat.

Let’s face it… that’s why I started a food blog.

And Sam? He’s also a foodie.

But because there are only two of us, we often have leftovers from family-style recipes. Even after totally pigging out at dinner. Leftovers can be so… boring, so we often try to spice them up into a new meal.

That said, I wanted to share a SUPER easy recipe for pulled teriyaki chicken that is easily converted to 2+ different meals.

Prep: Boil 4 chicken breasts with 1 bottle of your favorite teriyaki sauce. I'm a big fan of Yoshidas, but I used Trader Joe’s Island Soyaki for this recipe. Once boiled, bring to a low simmer and put a lid on the pot. Let sit for an hour or so, until the chicken is really soft and easy to shred. Shred with a fork.

Day #1: Pulled Teri-Chicken Sliders

Day #2: Teri-Chicken, Brown Rice + Salad

Easy peasy for a mid-week meal. Enjoy!

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